Night stay at Tikona fort banned october 2019
*तिकोना गडावर रात्री मुक्कामास बंदी**
अनेकांनी “कुणी बंदी घातली” “का बंदी घातली” असा निषेधाचा सूर आळवला आहे. त्या सर्वांसाठी हा सरकारी निरोप!
कितीही प्रश्न उपस्थित झाले तरी आपल्याला माहिती आहे सदर समस्येवर तातडीने उपाय करणे गरजेचे झाले आहे. परिस्थिती हाताबाहेर जाण्याआधी जरब बसलेली चांगली.
गडावर रात्री मुक्काम करताय?
गडावर अस्वच्छता पसरवताय?
गडावर मद्यपान, धुम्रपान, मांसाहार करताय?
गडावरील ऐतिहासिक वास्तूंची मोडतोड करताय? गडावर धांगडधिंगाही घालताय?
गडावर पाहिजे तसे वागताय?
गडाचे पावित्र्य भंग करताय?
VP Wahane, assistant director of the state department of archaeology, in his order, said, “The Tikona Fort is a historic one and a protected monument. It has been noticed that the visitors staying during the night have been leaving filth on the fort and surrounding area. The local vendors, who are also providing services of food to these tourists, are also helping to generate garbage and dirt. The police station concerned and gram panchayat must act against such individual and groups, if they insist for night stay.”
Kiran Nelge, a fort conservator, said, “We raised the issue because the problem is not restricted to the open defecation. Enthusiastic tourists, in the name of a stay, cooked food, drank alcohol and threw their bottles and other garbage in the fort itself. The toilet facilities on the fort were also restricted, compare to the crowd,” he claimed.
Kiran Chimte, member of Shri Shivdurg Sanvardhan, which works for restoration of forts, said, “Groups of college students were the most notorious. We also noticed that those spending the night here also tried to harm the heritage structure and nature during their stay. We are not against the tourism, but in the name of employment to the locals and revenue, this permission was granted. The number should have been restricted as this is a small fort.”