Free Rock climbing at Sanjay Gandhi National Park borivali west mumbai 5th January 2025

Free Rock climbing at Sanjay Gandhi National Park borivali west mumbai 5th January 2025
SGNP Gandhi Tekdi

The very first climbing mela held today received an overwhelming response! The event saw participation from approximately 45 newly registered SGNP climbers, 10 seasoned climbers, 15 veterans, and around 25 enthusiastic volunteers. All dignitaries shared their incredible experiences and provided valuable on-field guidance, making the meet highly inspiring for every participant.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our team, the meet was successfully conducted. The highlight of the day was that no participant, attempting natural rock climbing for the first time, sustained any injuries.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, volunteers, and mentors. We look forward to witnessing the same enthusiasm and camaraderie in future climbing meets!

आज आयोजित करण्यात आलेल्या पहिल्याच प्रस्तर आरोहण मेळाव्याला अपेक्षेपेक्षा खूपच चांगला प्रतिसाद मिळाला! या कार्यक्रमात अंदाजे ४५ नवीन SGNP नोंदणीकृत आरोहक, १० अनुभवी आरोहक, १५ दिग्गज आणि जवळपास २५ स्वयंसेवकांचा समावेश होता. सर्व मान्यवरांनी आपल्या अनुभवांची विलक्षण मांडणी केली आणि ऑन-फिल्ड मार्गदर्शनही केले, ज्यामुळे प्रत्येक सहभागीसाठी हा मेळावा अत्यंत प्रेरणादायी ठरला.

आमच्या टीमच्या अथक मेहनतीमुळे हा मेळावा यशस्वीरित्या पूर्णत्वास गेला. विशेष आनंदाची गोष्ट म्हणजे, नैसर्गिक प्रस्तर आरोहणाचा अनुभव घेणाऱ्या कोणालाही कोणत्याही प्रकारची दुखापत झाली नाही.

सर्व सहभागी, स्वयंसेवक आणि मार्गदर्शकांचे मनःपूर्वक आभार मानतो. पुढील मेळाव्यांमध्येही अशाच प्रकारे उत्साह आणि एकजुटीची अनुभूती घडेल अशी आशा आहे!

There is no fees. The aim is to promote climbing with safe and ethical practices.

You will have to register prior to the event which is free of cost and mandatory as per forest department regulations. — Kaivalya Varma

### How to Register:  Arrive at SGNP Gandhi Tekdi by 8:00 AM on January 5, 2025  to register in person and participate in the event on the spot .

Climbing Mela

Climbing Mela is an exciting event designed to promote outdoor climbing and inspire newbies to take the sport to new levels by sharing knowledge about natural rock climbing. This event is completely free of charge.

Event Objectives:
This event aims to promote outdoor climbing and inculcate safe practices amongst newbies by introducing them to the local community. The newbies will get a chance to climb and interact with experienced climbers during this event.

Event Details:
Date:* January 5, 2025 / *Time:* 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Venue:* Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), Gandhi Tekdi

How to Register:
Simply arrive at SGNP Gandhi Tekdi by 8:00 AM to register in person and participate in the event.

Note: *This is not a competition*. It is an opportunity to learn, explore, and grow in the world of rock climbing.

What You Need to Bring:

Registration with any climbing club* is required.

Registration mandatory before activity as rule made by SGNP forest department.

Everyone is expected to bring registered club letter (format provided with this flyer) duly signed and stamped by authorities.

If you are not yet a member of any registered club yet, are suggested to seek membership of any registered club or MAC by visiting(Maha Adventure Council) at

Self declaration* letter (format provided with this flyer).

Harness and climbing shoes/ sports shoes with rubber sole* are mandatory.

Own meal and snacks for the day.

Event Schedule:
*Morning Session (9:00 AM – 1:00 PM):* Rock climbing session for all participants.
*Afternoon Session (1:00 PM – 4:00 PM):* informative talks on various rock climbing-related topics with expert climbers.

Key Highlights:
Expert climbers will be invited to guide the participants, sharing their valuable knowledge and experiences throughout the event.

For more information, please contact:
Prakash Walvekar:  9821194373

Kaivalya Verma:  9920404414

Kunal Sutar:  98697 78202

Suraj Malusare:  92218 31364

We look forward to seeing you at Climbing Mela, where learning, adventure, and community come together to create an unforgettable experience!

rock climbing SGNP Gandhi Tekdi
SGNP Gandhi Tekdi